Webinar | February 17 | Learn Kubernetes
February 17, 3:00 PM Eastern - Hosted by Atmoseara and Microsoft
Kubernetes is the king of container orchestration, and the results are clear: more than ever, employers are looking for IT professionals that know Kubernetes. It can, however, be hard to get started with Kubernetes because it is not trivial software.
In this webinar, we’ll help you get started with Kubernetes, particularly Azure Kubernetes Services, as we break it down into bite-size chunks so you can get a jump start on your Kubernetes experience. The event will be followed by a live Q&A with Atmosera's Azure MVP Blaize Stewart and Microsoft's Heather Brevard.
- Understanding Kubernetes Architecture
- Working With Controllers
- Deploying Containers as Pods
- Exposing Pods to A Network with Services
- Controlling HTTP Traffic with Ingress